Wildlife: Animals of the Everglades
The Florida Everglades are home to a surprisingly diverse range of wildlife, including both native and invasive species.
Most animals in the Everglades are adapted for water, wetland or marine environments, but a large number of mammals live on land in the Everglades, as well.
More than 40 species of mammals live in the Florida Everglades. Some live in typical land habitats like forests and grasslands, while others live in flooded aquatic habitats that are found throughout the Everglades.
- The Florida Panther
- White-tailed deer
- Racoons
- Foxes
- Florida Black Bear
- Marsh Rabbit
- Bobcat
- Opossums (Marsupial)
- Armadillo
- Squirrels
- Mice and rats
- Moles and shrews
- Bats, Skunks
- Weasels
- Minks
- Wild pigs
- Domestic cats
- Domestic dogs
Marine Mammals
Many people forget that marine mammals live in the greater Florida Everglades ecosystem.
- West Indian Manatee
- Atlantic Bottlenose Dolphin
- Short-finned Pilot Whale
- Rice’s Whale
- Otters
More than 360 different species of birds have been catalogued throughout the Florida Everglades, including wading birds, birds of prey and land birds.
Some birds live in the Everglades year-round, while others migrate to and from the Everglades seasonally. Some notable bird species in the Everglades include:
- Egrets
- Herons
- Ibises
- Roseate Spoonbill
- Flamingos
- Wood Stork
- Osprey
- Bald Eagle
Reptiles and Amphibians
The Everglades are most well-known for alligators and crocodiles, but it is filled with a diverse range of reptiles, including snakes, frogs, turtles, and many other species.
- American Crocodile
- American Alligator
- Caiman
- Snakes
Many turtle species are found in the Everglades, including salt water and fresh water environments. Common species include:
- Florida Softshell
- Loggerhead Turtle
- Green Turtle
- Atlantic Leatherback
- Atlantic Hawksbill
- Atlantic Ridley
Fun Fact: The Everglades are one of the only places in the world where both alligators and crocodiles coexist.
The Everglades include a wide variety of marine ecosystems to support fish, including fresh water, salt water, brackish water, estuaries, mangroves and many others.
Approximately 300 different species of fish live in the greater Everglades ecosystem. Common fish species in the Everglades include:
- Tarpon
- Largemouth bass
- Snook
- Crabs
- Crawfish
More than 5,000 insect specimens have been documented and catalogued in the Florida Everglades, but experts estimate that many millions of species exist.
Invasive Species
The Everglades faces severe threats from a number of invasive species, including:
- The Burmese Python
- Wild Boars
- Lionfish
- Cuban tree frogs
- Green iguanas
- Invasive plants
Invasive species are incredibly destructive becuase they displace and out-compete native species, often becuase they lack natural predators.
What is the top predator in the Everglades?
The top predator in the Everglades is the Burmese python. Most people assume that the top predator would be an alligator, crocodile or even the Florida panther, but invasive Burmese pythons are the apex predator in the Everglades ecosystem, and are the most destructive to native Everglades wildlife.
Are there crocodiles in Florida Everglades?
The Florida Everglades are home to both alligators and crocodiles; it is the only habitat where both species are known to co-exist.
Are there bears in Florida Everglades?
The Florida Black Bear (Ursus americanus) lives in the Florida Everglades.